is a function that decomposes two-way fixed
effects models into all 2x2 estimates and their weights following
Goodman-Bacon (2019). It can perform the decomposition with and without
time-varying covariates. Below are a few great references you can use to
familiarize yourself with the Goodman-Bacon decomposition before using
this function.
The following example comes from Cheng and Hoekstra (2013, JHR). The
authors estimate the effect of “castle doctrines,” state laws that make
it easier to use lethal force in self defense. The data set
contains state/year level information from 2000-2010
on crime rates and whether or not the state had a castle doctrine in
effect. Here we replicate the analysis on homicide rates. The key
variables are :
log of the homicide ratepost
indicator for whether a castle doctrine law was in
effectFirst, we perform the decomposition without time-varying controls, and make sure that the weighted average of the decomposition equals the two-way fixed effects estimate.
#> Loading required package: fixest
df_bacon <- bacon(l_homicide ~ post,
data = bacondecomp::castle,
id_var = "state",
time_var = "year")
coef_bacon <- sum(df_bacon$estimate * df_bacon$weight)
print(paste("Weighted sum of decomposition =", round(coef_bacon, 4)))
#> [1] "Weighted sum of decomposition = 0.0818"
fit_tw <- fixest::feols(l_homicide ~ post | state + year,
data = bacondecomp::castle)
print(paste("Two-way FE estimate =", round(fit_tw$coefficients[1], 4)))
#> [1] "Two-way FE estimate = 0.0818"
Now, we plot each 2x2 estimate and its weight to see what is driving the result.
ggplot(df_bacon) +
aes(x = weight, y = estimate, shape = factor(type)) +
labs(x = "Weight", y = "Estimate", shape = "Type") +
theme_minimal() +
In this example, one estimate has almost 60 percent of the weight: states treated in 2006 vs states that are never treated.
We can also perform the decomposition with time varying controls. In this example we add the log of state/year level population (l_pop) and income (l_income). A couple things to note:
When including controls there is an additional source of identifying variation that comes from within treatment timing group. It is noted as $\hat{\beta^p_w}$. Ω is the weight given to this estimate in the two-way fixed effects estimate.
The 2x2s are no longer decomposed into “early vs late” and “late vs early” estimates. For each treatment group dyad, there is only one estimate, β̂b, k, ld which gets weight sk, l.
The two way fixed effects estimate, β̂DD|X, then decomposes to:
$\hat{\beta}^{DD|X} = \Omega \hat{\beta^p_w} + (1 - \Omega) \sum_{k} \sum_{l > k} s_{k, l} \hat{\beta}^d_{b, k, l}$
ret_bacon <- bacon(l_homicide ~ post + l_pop + l_income,
data = bacondecomp::castle,
id_var = "state",
time_var = "year")
beta_hat_w <- ret_bacon$beta_hat_w
beta_hat_b <- weighted.mean(ret_bacon$two_by_twos$estimate,
Omega <- ret_bacon$Omega
bacon_coef_cont <- Omega*beta_hat_w + (1 - Omega)*beta_hat_b
print(paste("Weighted sum of decomposition =", round(bacon_coef_cont, 4)))
#> [1] "Weighted sum of decomposition = 0.0906"
two_way_fe_cont <- lm(l_homicide ~ post + l_pop + l_income + factor(state) +
data = bacondecomp::castle)
two_way_fe_coef_cont <- two_way_fe_cont$coefficients["post"]
print(paste("Two way FE estimate =", round(two_way_fe_coef_cont, 4)))
#> [1] "Two way FE estimate = 0.0906"
And again we can plot the decomposed between estimates, β̂b, k, ld and their weights, sk, l.
ggplot(ret_bacon$two_by_twos) +
aes(x = weight, y = estimate, shape = factor(type)) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x = "Weight", y = "Estimate") +